Discover the authentic flavors of Oaxaca. We are more than just a business: we are passionate women committed to supporting local and fair trade.

Step out of the crowds and venture beyond the tourist center to immerse yourself in our vibrant city's authentic hustle...

Whether you're a flavors hunter, a lover of unique food, or someone searching for new culinary experiences, our Signature Markets...

Did you know Mesoamerica's diet was primarily plant-based before the Spanis Conquer? Immerse yourself in a unique culinary experience as...


OSF About 3
OSF AboutOSF About5

At Oaxaca Street Food Tour

Our journey began in 2019 with a clear mission: to make Oaxaca's markets accessible and exciting for all visitors. We are dedicated to connecting explorers with the authentic essence of Oaxaca, where food is much more than a culinary experience—it's a link to the rich traditions and vibrant culture of the region.

A Feminist and Local-Supportive Approach

We take pride in embracing a feminist approach in our work, promoting the participation and empowerment of women in the food industry. Every step we take is rooted in supporting local businesses and fair trade, ensuring that our culinary experiences directly benefit the businesses that host us.

Connecting Hearts
Through Food

Our tours not only take you to taste the most delicious flavors of Oaxaca but also invite you to immerse yourself in the history behind each dish and product. From bustling markets to hidden corners, each stop is designed to awaken all your senses and create meaningful connections with local culture.

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Hola, I´m Betsy, the driving force behind Oaxaca Street Food Tour, a culinary experience rooted in my deep love for Oaxacan markets and street food culture.

Growing up I amidst the vibrant hustle of Benito Juárez market, where my family operates Tacos Rosy—a beloved establishment serving locals for over 25 years—my connection to food and community runs deep.

Markets and streets were my favorite places to eat, aside from my Abuelita´s kitchen. It was here, amidst the sights, sounds, and scents of market life, that I developed a profound understanding of Oaxacan cuisine's richness and diversity..

I understand too the struggles faced by small, local businesses competing against larger, more financially endowed establishments. With my tours, I not only showcase the incredible flavors of Oaxaca but also provide support to these small businesses, empowering them to thrive amidst a competitive landscape.

Recognizing that markets could be overwhelming and challenging for visitors to navigate, I was inspired to create Oaxaca Street Food Tour. My goal: to bridge the gap between visitors and the delightful, flavorsome world of Oaxacan street food, making these vibrant markets accessible and enjoyable for all.

the Team


She is a lover of food and good seasoning. He likes to eat slowly and try everything that comes her way. Her love language is cooking and her desire to share new flavors. Camila offers a sensory experience named NaMá: guided gastronomic meditations.


She delights in taking her time to eat, exploring every flavor that comes her way. For Daniela, cooking is more than just preparing a meal—it's a love language, a way to connect and share new culinary experiences.